Are you earning at your potential? Or are you struggling against an "internal income ceiling"? Does the economy have you down? In this powerful evening seminar, Mikelann Valterra, founder and director of The Women's Earning Institute, explores "underearning"- the pattern of earning below your potential. She addresses the psychology of why women undersell themselves and most importantly-what to do about it. Women are in greater danger of underselling themselves in this economy. Don't let this happen to you! This will be a very useful and thought provoking evening, so be prepared to be engaged and energized.
Here is just a portion of what you will learn in this seminar:
* Identify the five hidden forms of underearning (and how they may be costing you money!)
* Explore the concept of "noble poverty"-is it holding you back?
* The impact of the "money fog" on our earning ability
* How women under price themselves and what to do about it
* 2 powerful negotiation strategies that conquer the "good girl syndrome"
Mikelann knows there are a lot of amazing women who are not earning at their potential. Are you one of them? From expecting less money than men, to difficulty in asking for what they really want, women deal with complex emotional issues around earning money. You will leave this seminar with deep personal insights into your earning issues and actionable steps you can take to earn more.
What women say:
"....Mikelann's techniques helped me open my mind up to new possibilities."
"Your talk was amazing! It gave me the courage to affirm my worth with someone right away yesterday...."
"I had many "aha" moments during Mikelann's Earn Your Worth seminar...."
Who is Mikelann Valterra?
Mikelann Valterra is passionately devoted to empowering women to earn what they are really worth. Mikelann is an internationally published author, dynamic speaker and nationally sought after expert on women's money and earning issues.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 22, 2009