The Houston Public Library invites you, your friends and your neighbors to an ongoing author series where you will meet well-known authors from several genres. Relationships, mysteries and faith are just a few of the topics to be presented in the first programs.
As part of the year-long series, semi-monthly events will be held throughout the city at neighborhood libraries. Attend one, or attend them all. Authors will read from one (or several) of their books, answer audience questions and talk about what inspires their writing. All events are free and open to the public.
“An Evening with Katherine Center”
Heights Neighborhood Library
Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 6 p.m.
In "The Bright Side of Disaster," Katherine Center introduces Jenny Harris, a woman on the verge of motherhood and singlehood. Jenny Harris is nesting in her Houston home with her fiancé, Dean, awaiting the birth of their child, to be followed by their wedding. The book follows the end of her relationship (Dean leaves her), the beginning of her life as a single mother, and the ways this Texas Mom copes with it all.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Katherine Center has been writing since her childhood years at St. John’s School in Houston. Later, while at Vassar College, she wrote short stories, lettered poems onto metal signs that she put up around campus, and wrote a novella which won the Vassar College Fiction Prize. After college, Center was awarded a fellowship to the University of Houston’s Creative Writing Program, where she taught Freshman English and earned an MA in Fiction. She also co-edited fiction for the literary magazine Gulf Coast. Center has served the Houston community by teaching creative writing to children through a program called Writers In The Schools. Center lives in Houston with her husband Gordon, a teacher at a Houston area school, and their two young children.
For further details, please contact the Houston Public Library at or call 832-393-1313.
Official Website:
Added by pielmorena on July 23, 2007