Developing Creative Minds in the 21st Century
4:30pm – 6:30pm
Parents and teachers help shape the brains—and even the genes-- of children and adolescents by the learning activities they encourage. What skills will be most helpful in making your child a success--personally and as a leader, worker, and creator of tomorrow? How can homes and schools encourage development of these skills? How can parents cope wisely with television, computer games, the rapidly-changing media environments, and the stress which surround our children? How can you overcome negative genetic tendencies and put your child on the road to life success? This lecture will summarize what is known about the ways in which environments shape brains for learning as well as suggesting practical answers to these important questions.
The “Executive Brain” in an Electronic Culture
Today’s youth are surrounded from birth by electronic noise, fast-paced visual stimulation, and the pressures of over-scheduling. These influences may impact the development of the brain’s cognitive and social-emotional skills. The term “executive function disorder” is currently being used to describe problems with chronic disorganization, attention, motivation, social relationships, and self-regulation. Fortunately, understanding both the difficulty and the type of strategies that reach and teach the “executive brain” can help us be more effective as parents and teachers today.
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Added by Montessori on March 31, 2009