1023 Corporation Way
Palo Alto, California

Exploring a Sense of Place presents an evening with Jack Laws, a naturalist, educator and artist. You are guaranteed to leave this evening feeling inspired and talented. If you have a sketch pad and pencil please bring them, if not we will supply paper and pencils.

Naturalist, educator and artist John (Jack) Muir Laws delights in exploring the natural world and sharing this love with others. He has worked as an environmental educator for over 25 years in California, Wyoming, and Alaska. He is trained as a wildlife biologist and is a research associate of the California Academy of Sciences.

$15 advance registration required.
Call 650-938-9300 x12 for reservations or email jcronin@exploringsenseofplace.org.

Official Website: http://exploringsenseofplace.org/site/

Added by slozito on October 31, 2007

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