Have you always wanted to learn how to give better presentations? Do you look at other people's slides and wish yours would look as clean and effective? Do you love the spare "Steve Jobs" style of presentation design and wish more presentations were like that? If you are interested in presentations and their design, then you don't want to miss hearing Garr Reynolds give a talk. He writes the well known Presentation Zen blog, and is the author of "
Nancy Duarte of Duarte Design (they designed the Al Gore Inconvenient Truth slideshow) will also be joining us. She will introduce Garr Reynolds and give a short talk.
The talk will start at 5.30 PM. and last for an hour or so. After that, we will have drinks and snacks, and you get to meet Garr and Nancy in person! Come by for the talks, for the drinks later, or both.
Address is: SlideShare, 739 Bryant Street, San Francisco
Getting there
Parking: There is generally street parking in that area (just look around a bit). There is also a paid parking lot (at the corner of Brannan and 5th)
Caltrain: Its an easy walk from Caltrain, just about 4 blocks.
BART: Its a slightly longer walk to BART (Powell station), just about 7 blocks.
Added by rashmisinha on May 28, 2008
Sounds good. Since I'm in SF why miss a Slideshare event? Hope to meet Garr, Nancy, Rashmi, John and other Slideshare folks.
hell yeah!