45080 Main St
Mendocino, California 95460

On Saturday, March 12, Mendocino Stories & Music Series will offer a Poetry Night at the Mendocino Hotel presented by Gordon Black. Poets H.D. Moe, Janice Blue, Devreaux Baker and Jay Frankston will each read from their work. Music with David Brown starts at 6:30PM and the reading starts at 7:00PM. Open reading follows at 8:30PM.
H. D. MOE has written more than 30 books of poetry, in a flowing vocabulary that matches the dictionary for terms and exceeds it for usage. For decades as writer and producer he has sustained Bay Area poetry in cafes, galleries, and streets. Born in western Kentucky of family from the days of Boone, Janice Blue has been drawn to American dialects and colloquy, and now speaks “any English but the Queen’s.’ Her confident, definite voice ranges from plain meaning to saber swaths of expression.
Devreaux Baker is among the fairest of the fair for imagination and for clarity of sensitive observation. Her third book, Red Willow People, was composed during her Helene Wurlitzer Writing Fellowship in Taos. She produces the Mendocino Coast Poets Reading Series.
As a prose writer, Jay Frankston is a thoughtful and original stylist whose work has been translated into fifteen languages. As a poet he is an authentic voice of the Mendocino experience, its hopes and commitment. His latest book is the novel El Sereno, a story of the Spanish Civil War and the dictatorship.
Doors open at 6:00 PM for bistro menu and drinks. Sliding scale $10-15. Call Pattie at 937-1732 or www.mendocinostories.com/events

Added by Mendocino Stories and Music Seri on March 1, 2011