The Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble
An Evening of Playback Theater
Armand Volkas, Director
John Chung * Vicki Dello Joio * Ruth Jovel * John Kadyk *
Christine Kalb * Gregg Lavender * Merry Ross * Scott Skinner
Saturday, February 25th, 2005, 8 p.m.
The audience is invited to share their personal stories of love in all its colors, textures, and complexity. The actors and musicians will instantly transform these stories into improvised theatre pieces and provide a public forum for our emotions, reflections and responses.
Live Oak Theater
1301 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley
Sliding Scale Admission: $12-18
(group rates available)
(510)595-5500, ext. 25
Playback Theatre is an original form of improvisational theatre in which audience members tell stories from their lives, and watch them enacted on the spot by a trained company of actors and musicians. At a Playback performance, an audience member is invited from the audience to tell a story; the Teller then chooses actors to play roles in the story, which is then played back improvisationally, incorporating music, movement, ritual, and spoken improvisation. Sometimes a story becomes myth, sometimes a realistic enactment; some stories are tragic, others are funny or illuminating. Playback Theatre affirms the importance and dignity of personal experience, enables people to view their lives in new ways, and draws people closer as they see their common humanity.
Bring a story to tell or simply watch a story unfold!
The Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble is a non-profit organization that produces performances, workshops and events for personal, professional and organizational growth. Created in 1986 under the direction of psychotherapist and drama therapist Armand Volkas, The Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble has established itself as an innovative local and national resource for transformation. Through its Acts of Reconciliation Project, the organization has received international acclaim for its work bringing together Germans and Jews, Palestinians and Israelis, African-Americans and European-Americans as well as other groups in conflict. At the heart of its work is a profound respect for the power of personal story to build bridges between people and cultures. The Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble is a member of the International Playback Theatre Network and performs for corporations, schools, hospitals, community celebrations, conferences and for the general public.
Map to Live Oak Theater
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Driving Directions to Live Oak Theatre:
From the North, South or West exit Highway 80 at University Avenue in Berkeley. Proceed East to Shattuck. Turn Left on Shattuck; stay right when the street splits after Vine.
From the East, exit Highway 24 at Berkeley. Proceed West down Tunnel Road and Ashby to Shattuck. Turn Right on Shattuck and go through downtown Berkeley to University Avenue. Continue as above.
Live Oak Theater is 2-3 blocks from the North Side (Shattuck Avenue) restaurants, and 5-6 blocks from the Solano Avenue restaurants
Added by g.lavender on January 26, 2006