Chris Morawetz was a sophomore at the University of Mary Washington (UMW) in Fredericksburg, Virginia, when he contracted a rare and fatal form of lymphoma, and died at the age of 20 in May, 2008. Chris's parents and friends have established an endowed scholarship at UMW in his memory. The scholarship provides assistance to students with financial needs and/or disabilities. Checks can be made out to "UMW Foundation", with "Chris Morawetz Scholarship" in the memo line. All donations are tax deductible. 'An Evening of Music and Remembrance' will feature music by Chris's close friend, Jonthan Hillyard, accompanied by Will Spaulding, as well as an open microphone for friends and family to contribute stories concerning Chris and the impact that he made during his brief time on earth.
Official Website:
Added by Jammin Java on March 8, 2010