"On Sunday, 28 October, at 7:00 pm, RICHARD KOSTELANEZ will initiate the presentation of his complete monumental film EPIPHANIES, nearly four (4) hours in length, a dozen years in preparation, of and about the exhaustive experience of stories with scores of climactic moments, both visual and aural (mostly in English, some in German, a bit in Chinese). The film will run to its end unless no one remains in the space, at which point Kosti will pull out his tape and go home. Those sitting through the entire film will receive gratis a signed copy of the first edition (1991) of Kosti’s Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes.
"The stunning installation of Kosti's print & video EPIPHANIES at FusionArts will be on exhibit until 31 October, 2007. Literally a room full of his stories, it’s quite extraordinary. Visitors are invited to take away sample text. "
Added by Josh Carr on October 23, 2007