810 Haiku Road, Ste 265, Haiku Marketplace
Haiku, Hawaii 96708

Panache Desai

Meet Panache and come into resonance with the highest vibration of love and light available on this planet at this time. A deepened connection to the Divine and access to elevated states of being are experienced. Come and be accelerated along your journey.
During each of Panache’s programs, participants receive energetic transmissions that are specifically tailored to their personal, spiritual, physical and emotional needs. For this reason, no two programs are alike. And as you and this energetic gift are constantly evolving, so too, will your experience with each exposure.
Pre-registration $30/$40 at the door. For additional information or to register, please visit: http://www.panachedesai.com/events/maui-hi-monday-february-21-2011/

Mon Feb 21
6:30 - 8:30pm
$30 advance/ $40 day of

For more information, or to purchase tickets, please call The Studio Maui (808) 575-9390, or visit http://www.thestudiomaui.com

Official Website: http://www.thestudiomaui.com

Added by Studio Maui on February 11, 2011

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