Pomona College’s Afro-Cuban Ensemble, directed by Joseph Addington, comprises the first half of the program. The second half features a multimedia performance with video, dance and drumming created and choreographed by Judith Davies. The video montage incorporates footage from Cuba of Afro-Cuban religious ceremonies, dance, drumming, fire, close-ups of faces, dancers, altars, and murals in Havana and Santiago de Cuba. Dancers include Cuban soloist Muñeco, joined by fellow native Cuban Kati Hernandez, along with two dance students from the Claremont Colleges. Drummers Joe Addington and Lazaro Galarraga have both performed and taught Afro-Cuban drumming traditions in the Los Angeles area and Cuba. Co-sponsored by the Pomona College Dance Department.
Official Website: http://www.music.pomona.edu/calendar.shtml
Added by Pomona Music on November 12, 2008