Cancer survivor and celebrity emcee, James Payton and Icon Productions will host An Evening Honoring Jonny Imerman, founder of Imerman Angels, a Chicago-based non-profit organization that matches anyone seeking cancer support with a Mentor Angel . Mentor Angels are cancer survivors (or survivors’ caregivers) who are the same age and gender, and who most importantly have experienced the same type of cancer as the person they are matched with to offer walking, talking, living proof and inspiration that cancer can be beaten.
An Evening Honoring Jonny Imerman will feature a special program recognizing Jonny
Imerman’s service to the cancer community, a guest appearance by football legend Mike Ditka,
hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar and entertainment by world renowned pianist Copeland Davis.
Proceeds from the event will benefit Imerman Angels.
Added by Denise Ohandley on November 14, 2012