Amy Sedaris is a comedienne, playwright and actress. In the early 90s, Sedaris performed in the legendary Chicago comedy troupes Second City and Annoyance Theatre. Sedaris’ best-known character is Jerri Blank, a middle-aged, former prostitute-turned-high-school student, featured on the cult series (and then movie) Strangers with Candy. Under the name “The Talent Family,” she and her brother David Sedaris have written and produced several envelope-pushing plays including Stitches and One Woman Shoe. In addition to performing, Sedaris is also known for her kitschy crafting and hostessing skills, which are detailed in I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence, and the new Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People. Partially a cookbook, partially an entertaining primer, I Like You offered tips on everything from freezing meatballs to taking care of the inebriated. In Simple Times, Sedaris seeks to bring the joy of cheap crafting to the masses with projects like seashell toilet seat covers and crab-claw roach clips.
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Added by jc_at_work on November 2, 2010