504 Business Pkwy.
Richardson, Texas 75081

Amy Martin, author and producer of the acclaimed SolstiCelebrations and Moonlady Fests and operator of the 2800+ member holistic/spiritual/enviromental email listserve for North Texas called Moonlady News will be at Positive Touch on Sunday October 26th!
We invite you to participate with Amy, in an incredibly showy and aromatic spectacle of smoke that will totally change your point of view of smudging. Loose herbs are tossed on a hibachi of hot charcoal for billows of aromatic smoke. Experience blends and participate in a ritual featuring burnt offerings.
The price for this event is $25.00 and includes Amy's new book "Spirit Herbs: Simple Recipes for Hibachi Herbal Magic & Sacred Space." For viewing demo only, $10.00 is requested. 1-2:30 PM

Added by jenibrah on October 8, 2008

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