204 S. Ashland Avenue
Chicago, Illinois

Join us and tell the Mexican Government we will not remain silent until the Women of Atenco receive justice!

In May 2006, following a police crackdown on protests by a peasant ogranization in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico, over 45 women were arrested without explanation, dozens were subjected to physical, psychological and sexual violence by the police. More than 2 years later, none of the officials responsible for their abuse have been prosecuted.

Join us and our coalition partners at the Mexican Consulate in Chicago to demand justice and stop violence against women!

To learn more about the Women of Atenco, visit:

Coalition Partners:
Women and Girls Collective Action Network
Women for Economic Justice
Women's Center at DePaul
Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women's Network
Our Lady of Guadalupe Anglican Catholic Mission
Gay Liberation Network
Chicago National Organization for Women

For more information about the Rally, please contact the Amnesty International Midwest Office at (312)427-2060 or aiusamw@aiusa.org.

Official Website: http://www.amnestyusa.org/atenco

Added by jayp2009 on February 18, 2009