Thousands of Americans across the country – including Chicagoland residents – will participate in an unprecedented National Town Meeting on our federal budget. The national discussion will engage a broad cross-section of the American public, reflecting the nation’s rich demographic and political diversity. Anyone (ages 17 and older) can participate in the National Town Meeting by registering for one of the 21st Century Town Meeting sites, our volunteer-organized Community Conversations, or by joining in online.
AmericaSpeaks: Our Budget, Our Economy is a national discussion to find common ground on tough choices about our federal budget. Americans from across the country will come together to weigh in on strategies to ensure a sustainable fiscal future and a strong economic recovery. The site in Chicago will be linked to the other venues by satellite and webcast to create a true National Town Meeting. Participants will learn about the issue from experts, deliberate locally, share their ideas with others and use the latest technology to register their priorities. To learn more or to register for a site near you, visit
Official Website:
Added by AmericaSpeaks on May 20, 2010