535 N. Lake St
Mundelein, Illinois 60060

Babysitter BootCamp | Make Your Kid a Safer Sitter

If your kids were caring for a choking infant or injured toddler, would they know how to help?

The American Red Cross teaches babysitters how to be safe and ready while they’re in charge. Our two-day Babysitter BootCamp for 11 to 15 year-olds includes:
* Red Cross certification in Babysitter’s Training, Infant and
Child CPR, and First Aid.
* Interactive and engaging lessons that test judgment and skills.
* Job-hunting tips and mock interviews.

For more information or to register, visit
www.chicagoredcross.org/babysit or call 1-800-33-SAFETY.

Official Website: http://www.chicagoredcross.org/babysit

Added by American Red Cross of Greater Ch on July 7, 2009