1122 NW Davis
Portland, Oregon 97209

Manufacturing materials and methods used in period fixtures, the special vocabulary of antique lighting, authentic metal finishes, and how technological advances impacted American lighting design.

Seating is limited - Please RSVP to rejuvrsvp@rejuvenation.com by July 3rd.

Part of A Century of Lighting, 1870-1970 A Lecture Series & Gallery Show on the History of American Lighting

Presented by Rejuvenation & the Art Institute of Portland

The series consists of a two-month gallery exhibit and a pair of lectures given by Rejuvenation's lighting historian, Bo Sullivan.

Gallery Exhibit. Fixture Fascination: The Art of Lighting Reproduction, opens on First Thursday, July 2nd, 6-8pm at The Art Institute of Portland, 1122 NW Davis Street, Portland

Exhibit will show from July 2nd through August 28th

On display: original fixtures and shades with their reproductions, as well as vintage trade catalogue documentation, technical design drawings, and sample tooling.

Official Website: http://www.rejuvenation.com/events

Added by Art Institute of Portland on May 21, 2009