1192 Market Street
San Francisco, California 94102

Event: American Idiot
Venue: Orpheum Theatre - San Francisco
Start: 6/30/2012 2:00:00 PM

Official Website: http://upcomingevents.net/Search?query=American%20Idiot

Added by UpcomingEvents.net on February 18, 2012



Just a note to let you know we are doing the same sort of thing the "Demoplex" at Plexus 2007, out biggest event yet on Web 2.0 for biz.
You folks always do a great job. Hope you'll join us somehow even though we are across the continent in TO!


we're also planning to work with the barcamp crew to help organize an associated unconference with the conference.

watch out for some kind of matter-antimatter explosion where the 2 groups come together.

(i'm one of the co-chairs helping O'Reilly with the conference)


Chris and I are working with the gang on Web 2Open...stay tuned. ;)


Hope this will be something interesting.


mobile life !


Anybody know how much this is? I checked the site, but they gave me the run around. Two clicks is too many if you're trying to sell me something.


Anybody know how much this is? I checked the site, but they gave me the run around. Two clicks is too many if you're trying to sell me something.


What's up everybody... this is Damon and I work at Paypal. I will be working in the PayPal/eBay booth so come by and give me a shout sometime. Looking forward to meeting some new peeps...


I'll be dancing in one of the booths. Please tip generously.

See you there.


Me and a coworker are attending. Any idea what the "included" lunches will be? I only go to conferences for the food.


The Web2Open wiki is now up.

Btw, anyone flying in from Germany? Drop me a line or join us here.


First national conference I have been able to attend in years, so I am looking forward to this. Anyone else from a university attending?


Suggest you create a HubTag for this event so everyone can share photos, videos and blog postings afterward. This was done successfully for future of web apps: FOWALondon07


Hey friends!! I'll be manning the AOL booth, off and on, so if I haven't caught up with you all ready please stop by and say hello. I'm looking forward to meeting new people as well so don't be shy. The monkeys in the booth won't bite.


I am curious why they posted the 15th if there is nothing happening on the 15th. Is there a secret meeting I don't know about?!?!?! :)


If you're coming, yuo may also be interested in the Web 2.0 Blogger Dinner: http://upcoming.org/event/157357/


Hey, check out the latest Enterprise 2.0 wiki at Booth 11 in the Long Tail pavillion. See why NASAstronauts are using the eTouch SamePage wiki to blog from space!!!


an interesting event!




ganyardp- I'm another higher ed tech geek attending- looking forward to meeting up with anyone plotting to use these tools at the collegiate level- ping me, fellow academians! I'll have an eagle eye open for u...


I will visit the Expo and am interested to see how many of the exhibitors will be able to pass the "does it actually work and is it useful outside of the US" test. ;)


I am visiting the Web20 Expo to learn ideas that I can bring to my own conferences in Germany about the Web2.0 topic. I run the initiative Social Web World in Germaný, so there will be ideas and topics for my audience...

Interested 557