Oakview Elementary School’s Earth Savers Club sponsors numerous activities for their annual America Recycles Day celebration. These include the following:
• Skits, raps, and announcements on Oakview’s morning news program the week before and the week of America Recycles Day. These focus on the importance of recycling and what items we recycle at Oakview: paper, aluminum cans, cell phones, ink cartridges, glue sticks, juice pouches, six-pack rings, plastic bottles, bottle caps, packaging materials, batteries, shoes in November only, laptops, digital cameras, and other electronics.
• Earth Savers Club members and their families collect recyclable materials as students arrive between 7:20 am – 8:00 am. Each student who recycles receives a treat. Most of these treats are donated by our county and state recycling agencies. From 8:00 – 8:30 am, parents sort the recycled materials.
• Trash Flash Contest – During our America Recycles Week celebration we ask a question related to recycling each day on Oakview’s morning news program. Students write their name, teacher’s name, and answer on a piece of paper. Then they put it in the Trash Flash box which is located on the stage in the cafeteria. At the end of the day, the Earth Savers club members draw one winner from each grade level. Students announce the winners the next day during the Trash Flash segment. (Example - On average, how many pounds of trash does each person in South Carolina produce each day?
• Pledge to Recycle Drawing – Students who choose to enter the contest draw a picture to show what they will recycle or write a paragraph telling what they will recycle. We create a bulletin board from these, and we enter the students’ names in a drawing. Winners are announced on America Recycles Day.
Added by Earth911.com on August 30, 2011