Community Invite to Celebrate America Recycles Day 2011
Join the fun at Lowes off Lowes Drive as we celebrate America Recycles Day on Saturday, Nov. 19 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Visitors will have the chance to win a new flat screen television and a variety of other prizes. To enter the drawings, bring a recyclable aluminum can or plastic bottle to exchange for a ticket.
Children will enjoy a visit from Bi-County's own Dimple Dumpster and there will be a free learning how to compost class compliments of the Montgomery County Master Gardner Association. Lowe's also will have a hands-on activity for the kids inside and a display area featuring their "green" and recyclable products.
This event is supported by Bi-County Solid Waste Management and Lowe's Home Improvement. Kid-friendly refreshments will be donated by Budweiser of Clarksville, also a national ARD sponsor. For questions about the event email Mary Anderson at or Michelle Newell at .
Added by on October 12, 2011