2150 Lowes Drive
Clarksville, Tennessee 37040

Community Invite to Celebrate America Recycles Day 2011

Join the fun at Lowes off Lowes Drive as we celebrate America Recycles Day on Saturday, Nov. 19 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Visitors will have the chance to win a new flat screen television and a variety of other prizes. To enter the drawings, bring a recyclable aluminum can or plastic bottle to exchange for a ticket.
Children will enjoy a visit from Bi-County's own Dimple Dumpster and there will be a free learning how to compost class compliments of the Montgomery County Master Gardner Association. Lowe's also will have a hands-on activity for the kids inside and a display area featuring their "green" and recyclable products.
This event is supported by Bi-County Solid Waste Management and Lowe's Home Improvement. Kid-friendly refreshments will be donated by Budweiser of Clarksville, also a national ARD sponsor. For questions about the event email Mary Anderson at mcanderson@montgomerycountytn.org or Michelle Newell at manewell@montgomerycountytn.org .

Added by Earth911.com on October 12, 2011

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