The Yavneh Ensemble , conducted by Robert A.M. Ross, and with a special guest appearance by Hazzan Howard K. Glantz, will present music of the Jewish experience in America, including:
• Sephardic chants from colonial synagogues
• The 1897 Union Hymnal and its role in the formation of Jewish Americans
• The great wave of Eastern European immigration in its varied musical manifestations: Yiddish theater, Yiddish radio and the clash of the old country with the new in a special choral presentation of Sholom Secunda's Chazonim Oyf Probe.
• The American synagogue finds its distinctive voice in the 20th century and beyond.
Tickets are $36, 18, and $9 for students, and may be ordered online at, or reserved at 215-849-4129.
Added by shulamis22 on April 15, 2008