Yogyakarta, Special Region of Yogyakarta


There are three types of AMDAL training normally conducted by PPLH: 1). AMDAL type A - Covers basic AMDAL knowledge 2). AMDAL type B – dedicated for officers who actually prepare AMDAL documentation & perform AMDAL study; and 3). AMDAL type C – dedicated for officers of companies who receive and evaluate AMDAL report and at the end provide inputs and guideline for the company.

Nowadays, people awareness about clean environmental and social right is improving. The terminology of “people” ranges from NGO/LSM, surrounding community, and may be government institution. Many environmental damages occurred and exposed to the mass media. This is not good for anyone. Surrounding people will scarify their life, the company will scarify their reputation & exposed to Legal case. Therefore company officer must be very serious with environment nowadays.

This training will summarize AMDAL training type A, B, C, which is dedicated for company officers who is accountable to evaluate and implement AMDAL recommendation. It is extremely important for the officers to fully understand about AMDAL report and recommendations in order to provide correct guidance for the company to avoid further losses due to environmental and social crisis. This is also important to maintain company good image to be a world-class company.

After attending this training, the participants are expected to be able to:

* To provide line supervisor on environmental awareness and understanding on systematic methods of AMDAL preparation and evaluation in Industry
* To familiarize understanding of the sustainable development, environmental legislations in industry, and various working practices as far as industrial is concerned.

On the completion of the course the participants will understand how to prepare, evaluate and develop and comprehensive working, procedures and practices within their working areas of responsibilities, and identify “eco” site problem during program implementation and provide practical solution. Current situation all industries need to prepare seriously on developing knowledge for their employees due to environmental damage cases everywhere.

* Government Regulations on Health, Safety & Environmental
* Environmental Economic in Industry
* Process and beneficial of AMDAL
* Method of identification, judgment and impact evaluation
* Physical, chemical, biology, social, economic, culture, public health
* CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or Community Development
* Case study AMDAL failure
* TOR (Term Of Reference)
* ISO 14001 EMS
* RKL and RPL
* Environmental Audit
* Case Study, Discussion and film show
* Pre-test & Post-test (Evaluation)

Manager, Superintendent and Supervisor of Operational functions, Health, Safety & Environmental Senior Staff who is accountable to handle AMDAL report evaluation and provide guidance for the companies related to environmental and social risks exposure.

Official Website: http://www.focustraco.com/index.php/tm-training-schedule/details/169-209003

Added by training.focus on March 19, 2009

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