Saturday, August 27th, 8:00am-3:00pm
Shop for great bargains, securely shred documents, and support an incredible organization that provides high quality health care!
LifeLong Medical Care is a multi-site Community Health Center with nine locations, primarily in Northern Alameda County. We provide high quality medical, dental, mental health and social services to underserved people of all ages. Our services are especially designed to help people who have difficulty accessing care. LifeLong Medical Care has created models of care for the elderly and people with disabilities and is a strong advocate for continuous improvements in the health of our communities.
Shredding on site $10 a box provided by Shred It!
Your donation or purchase will make a life-saving difference for many!
Free Popcorn and Cotton Candy while you shop!
Retail Therapy with a great community reward on the last weekend before Labor Day!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 9, 2011