You are a supernatural reflection!
Did you know that each and every one of us reflects a specific aspect of Gods nature? This teaching will help you understand why you think, react, feel and dream the way you do. As we learn to recognize and understand our Redemptive Gifts, we can put an end to the question of Whats wrong with me? and learn to live from our unique design.
Using candid and humorous examples from her own Redemptive Gift experiences, Joanne teaches us how to overcome the challenges that each gift presents, while encouraging us to embrace the potential that often lies dormant within each of us.
You will also learn how the list of sevens in scripture parallel the seven spiritual gifts in Romans 12. This teaching is instrumental in helping you to obtain the full measure of your birthright and inheritance in Jesus Christ.
Registration Information
Doors will open at 6:00p.m. on Friday evening and 8:30a.m. on Saturday morning.
Registration is free, though a love offering will be taken Friday and Saturday.
Syllabus' will be available for purchase for $5.00 to cover costs. We strongly recommend buying one but it is not required. If you wish to purchase a syllabus, Please send payment to Horizon Church by March 20th. A limited amount will be available at the time of check in but it will be on a first come first serve. Please send checks made out to Urban Pipeline and indicate the amount of syllabus you are buying.
We are accepting cash or check only at time of check-in. Please make checks out to: Urban Pipeline and indicate "Am I Normal" in the notes section.
Saturday Lunch
A buffet meal will be served downstairs on Saturday for the cost of $5 per person. If you wish to purchase a meal, please send payment to Horizon Church by March 20th. Checks can be made out to Urban Pipeline. Please indicatethe amount ofmeals you are purchasing.
You may also wish to bring a sack lunch.
Organized by Urban PipelineDedicated to seeing the Holy Spirit fill cities through Training, Connecting, and Ministering the Kingdom of God to people, cities, and nations.
Ticket Info: General Admission (No Cost), Free
Official Website: http://aminormal-upcoming.eventbrite.com