Alyeska Canine Trainers welcomes Andrea Dexter, presenting her Power & Finesse Jumping Seminar on April 18th and 19th, 2009 at Alyeska Canine Trainers.
Saturday April 18, 9:00PM 5:00 PM
Sunday April 19, 8:30 AM 4:00 PM
Continental breakfast provided
Lunch on your own
Andrea Dexter is a gifted agility instructor whose students are competing successfully at the National level. She incorporates her skill as a professional videographer into her teaching to enhance insight and understanding.
Learn more about Andrea and her dogs at www.agilityflix.com
Seminar will cover:
How to tell if your dog is jumping correctly
Teach your dog to jump properly using their rear
Understand the mechanics of jumping and how your dog is jumping through the use of video
Build confidence and drive
Improve course times with tighter turns and more efficient lines
Improve communication between you and your dog
Learn to teach collection and extension
Extend your dog's agility career through proper jumping techniques
Suitable for all breeds and skill levels
Ten working spots will be available, ACT members will have first priority. Working spot deposit of $50.00 grants you a chance in the working spot lottery, conducted 03/15/2009. If you are selected in the lottery, your full payment must be received by April 4th, 2009.
Participants with working spots in this two day clinic will have specific exercises videoed prior to the seminar and Andrea will analyze and provide feedback on each of the dogs.
The videos will be used in the seminar and each working team will go home with a DVD of their dog's evaluation.
Private sessions will be available Monday April 20th to clinic participants and auditors only.
Contact Mary Manners at
m.manners@gci.net to schedule, first come first served. Cost will be $80.00 for a 55 minute session / $40.00 for a 25 minute session. Privates can be shared, but no more than 3 teams & must be working on the same topic. Privates may be on any agility related subject - contacts, weaves, course analysis, motivation, building drive and of course jumping
Organized by Alyeska Canine TrainersACT is a not for profit dog training club operated entirely by volunteers. We offer group dog training classes to the general public for everything from Puppy to competition Obedience and Agility.
Ticket Info: - Working Seminar Participant Lottery ($225) - ACT Members Only, $51.25
- Auditor - Open to all, $82.00
Official Website: http://act-dexter-upcoming.eventbrite.com