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Welcome Brothers! I am pleased to announce that Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta-Tau Zeta will be holding an Alumni Reception and Ritual Exemplification on Saturday, November 7th, 2009. This year we decided to modify the schedule of Initiation Week so that it will be more accessible to Alumnus. We understand that many of you have a very demanding schedule which often conflicts with our normal Friday night initiation. Thus, we have moved Initiation to Saturday Evening to better fit your schedules. We are also adding an Alumni Reception scheduled to take place prior to initiation to offer some time for fun and fellowship. We will begin our Reception at 4:30PM on Saturday, November 7th, 2009 in the Lobby of the Gordinier Conference Center. Dinner will be served promptly at 5PM in the Lehr Dining Room. Dinner will be buffet style catered by University Dinner Services. Due to the cost of facility rental, food cost, and service fees we are going to be charging $20 for the reception. (Payable on this website.) This buffet will include 2 entrees, pasta, 2 side dishes, salad, and dessert. After the conclusion of the reception, we will have a small recess and move onto our Ritual Exemplification. If you plan on coming to come to the Alumni Reception we ask that you RVSP through this website by the 30th of October. This will be a event you surely do not want to miss! Dress will be formal attire: Dress Shirt, Slacks, Tie, and Dress Shoes. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Yours in ZAX,Christian WellsHigh TauLambda Chi AlphaMillersville 717.587.6801

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Added by on October 22, 2009

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