10555 West Flagler St
Miami, Florida

The forum will consist of a networking breakfast and a panel composed of prominent speakers from construction, utilities, government, academia, and alternative energy product vendors to discuss opportunities in the alternative energy industry.

Room EC 2300
Seating is limited. RSVP no later than March 22 to Bruce Welch 305 348 7526 or bruce.welch@fiu.edu

Added by greenermiami on March 7, 2007



We have the knowledge. We have the technology. What we lack is a government who seems capable of devising , supporting, and implementing a plan to free us from our dependence on foreign oil. American's also on the other hand seem to have a very short attention span. Our economy is going down the tubes and fast. This isn't the first time, we have been there before. Our memory seems to blot that all out when fuel prices drop we waste no time wasting, producing, buying and using cars that get low mpg etc. Only when it truly hurts us in the pocketbook do we suddenly switch into our conservation mode. We need to be in this for the long haul, permanently and totally. We need to elect a president who will commit to rapid deployment of a plan of energy independence. We need to use every resource available to us to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. We need to take full advantage of natural energy sources such as wind power and solar power. We need to use our technological knowledge of hybrid cars, v2g technologies etc. They all play a vital role in reducing our dependence on foreign oil and improving our environment not to mention relieving our suffering economy.

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