2 Stockton Street
SAN FRANCISCO, California 94108

Tuesday, March 27 - Allen Holender
7:00 PM at Cody's Stockton Street in San Francisco

ALLEN HOLENDER and ELLIS JONES on business and shopping in the twenty-first century. ZENTREPRENEURISM: A 21st Century Guide to the New World of Business, broadcaster and author Allen Holender's new book, offers terrific stories of ethical entrepreneurs and social visionaries. This evening, he will explain how it is possible to do business in the 21st century in a gentler and kinder way. Ellis Jones is the author of BETTER WORLD SHOPPING GUIDE, founder of the Better World Network, and professor of sociology at UC Davis. His research resulted in a database of every reliable source of information available on corporate behavior and synthesized that information into a single report card for every company. Holender's and Jones's work and books complement one another, and we invite you to join the discussion as they present alternatives to the current business models. 7:00 PM at Cody's Stockton Street, San Francisco

Official Website: http://www.codysbooks.com/calendar/mar07Calendar.jsp

Added by codysbooks on March 9, 2007