Whether your goal is to develop your pipeline through commercial launch, or partner as early as possible, submitting an IND is a critical early milestone. Even with big pharma and VC firms competing for the most promising compounds, the bar is still quite high and startups are expected to demonstrate a solid plan for achieving IND acceptance to be taken seriously. Join us for a series of presentations followed by an interactive panel discussion exploring the basic requirements and considerations you must be aware of when planning for a successful IND submission.
Presentations will highlight the following:
* Key components of the Chemistry/Manufacturing/Controls
o Expression, Purification, Analytics, Formulation, Fill/Finish
* Preclinical study design, species selection, material requirements, timelines and cost considerations
* Regulatory requirements, strategies to minimize costs and timelines while balancing risk
* Tips for presenting an attractive package for acquisition
Official Website: http://allaboutscience.eventbrite.com
Added by FullCalendar on February 16, 2011