5th Anniversary Pre-Issue Release Party!
Get your own hard copy of Alive Magazine's Fifth Anniversary Issue in your hand the night before it is published!
With the moving sounds of singer/songwriter Alicia Wiley, this birthday party promises to be both chic and personal, celebrating the life of Alive Magazine and the young women who have made it possible. Help Alive blow out the
candles... and help realize our wish to give young women a voice in
media and a place in the world.
It started as a student project as she healed from an eating disorder. In 2004, Heather Scheiwe decided it was time to fill the gaping hole in young women's media. With the help of some friends, she put together the first issue of Alive Magazine, a publication dedicated to giving young women a creative, constructive media alternative. It was met with a resounding "YES!" from the public and has been gaining speed ever since.
The staff of Alive Magazine invite you to join a
community of past and present contributors, interns, and advocates for
cocktails and hors d'oeuvres at the Rosewood Room in Minneapolis'
historic Warehouse District. Come for the atmosphere, come for the
conversation, or just come to support the young women who are changing
the world -- reserve your ticket here to celebrate five incredible
years with Alive Magazine.
Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and Alive Magazine's 5th Anniversary Issue provided with registration.
Organized by Alive Arts Media // Alive MagazineAlive Magazine is new media for a new generation. Created by
young women, for young women, it is grounded in the spirit of providing
positive media and constructive, creative outlets for expression. AM is
one component of Alive Arts Media, a non-profit organization dedicated
to encouraging women to create the media they want to see.
Ticket Info: - General, $35.99
- Student, $20.99
Official Website: http://alivemagazine-upcoming.eventbrite.com