Downstairs at Town Hall, enter on Seneca
Scientists used to believe that babies were irrational, and cognitively limited; recent research has shown that babies learn more, create more, care more, and experience more than we could have imagined. In her pathfinding work The Scientist in the Crib, Alison Gopnik argued that there is good reason to believe that babies are actually smarter, more thoughtful, and even more conscious than adults. In her latest book, The Philosophical Baby, the author/psychologist (and mother) explains the groundbreaking new science around the psychological and philosophical development of very young children, transforming our understanding of how babies see the world, and in turn promoting a deeper appreciation for the role of parents. Presented as part of Seattle Science Lectures, with Pacific Science Center, University Book Store, and Seattle's Child.
Tickets are $5 and are available at, 800/838-3006 and at the door beginning at 6:30. Town Hall members receive priority seating. Street. (Babies welcome, of course!)
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Added by communitysteps on August 18, 2009