The Denver Victorian Playhouse Children's Theatre program presents "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, adapted by Kathryn Schultz Miller and directed by Rita Broderick. The cast includes Pam Clifton as the Queen of Heart's, Lauren Lang as Alice, Sloan Lyons, Matthew Miller and Eloise Morris as the Storyteller's , Zach Page as Mad Hatter and Trevor Rutkowski as Lewis Carroll. With Bonnie Evans (Cheshire Cat), Abriella Higman (Dormouse), Alek Kay (Caterpillar), Alexander Myers (White Rabbit), Clarissa Solis (March Hare), Emily Weston (Pigeon/Gardener), Neveah Brock, Soren Cacek, Miah Solis, and Seth Peterson (Cards).
Added by Upcoming Robot on November 7, 2009