This exhibition explores the relationship between math, science, programming, and the effect these have on our relationship to the changing world around us. However, unlike many “math oriented” shows of the past, this exhibition does not draw the line at simply defining algorithm as only the use of mathematical equation, but rather as any procedure for solving a particular problem, thus opening up the door to a broad array of artistic interpretations to what this means, both literally and conceptually.
The artists included share in common the creation of work that in some way uses algorithmic processes to solve problems which are either necessary to solve and futile and/or unimportant. Through the algorithmic functioning of their work, they cast a critical eye on human nature, the state of our physical world, and what this means for the future.
About Root Division:
Root Division is an arts and arts education non-profit located in the Mission District of San Francisco. Root Division acts as an ecosystem for artists in that we provide subsidized studio space to working artists in exchange for their service in the organization. While creating opportunities for individuals to develop both creatively & professionally, Root Division promotes creative expression and builds community through having these artists teach art in after school programs, lead adult education classes, and produce special events that showcase local emerging artists. It is in these connections between artistic exploration and public engagement that we spark the powerful synergy between personal inspiration and social change.
Root Division is supported in part by grants from The San Francisco Foundation, Walter & Elise Haas Fund, Potrero Nuevo Fund. The Second Saturday Exhibition Series is sponsored by grants from the Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation, San Francisco Arts Commission, Grants for the Arts Voluntary Arts Contribution Fund, and the Zellerbach Family Foundation.
Official Website:
Added by pseudowish on September 13, 2008