This exhibit covers the cosmopolitan existence and the multi-faceted personality of the Mexican writer Alfonso Reyes. Many sides of Reyes are demonstrated; he is portrayed as a writer, a translator, an academic and a journalist. We see him as an influential exile in Spain during the Edad de la Plata (or the Silver Era) as well as the prominent diplomat that he became in Europe and South America in the years after the Mexican Revolution. One particularly noteworthy aspect of Reyes that is represented in this exhibit is the crucial role that he played in Mexico’s process of attracting and assimilating republican exiles of Spain. In addition, the exhibit shows other lesser known sides of the writer, for instance love of collecting, his enthusiastic promotion of all things cultural and his closeness to the film world.
Work: 34 óleos y dibujos, 2 esculturas, 1 biombo, 18 documentos y manuscritos, 26 libros, 70 fotografías y 4 audiovisuales.
Author: Alfonso Reyes, Manuel Rodríguez Lozano, Roberto Montenegro, Foujita, Cándido Portinari, José Moreno Villa, Daniel Vázquez Díaz, Carlos Fuentes, Elvira Gascón...
Chronology: Entre 1930- 1950
Técnica: Paneles didácticos, óleos, grabados, esculturas, fotografías, libros y documentos
Tamaño: Tamaños varios
Procedencia: Capilla Alfonsina- INBA, Colección Perea Carrión
Catalogue: Catálogo en castellano con textos, entre otros, de Héctor Perea (comisario), Leonardo Martínez Carrizales, Regina Crespo o Paulette Patout. Se acompaña de imágenes de fotografías y documentos de Alfonso Reyes y de cuadros de Diego Rivera, Cándido Portinari o Rodríguez Lozano.
Official Website:
Added by Instituto Cervantes-Chicago on August 21, 2008