301 King St
Old Town Alexandria, District of Columbia

Join us to Rally for Clean Air!

WHERE: Market Square, 301 King Street
Old Town, Alexandria, VA

WHEN: Saturday, June 11th, 2005
12:00 until 2:00 PM

Also participate in the march to the Mirant Plant - more details to come!

Background on the Mirant Plant
Each day the Mirant Corporation?s 55 year old Potomac River Generating Station burns approximately 2,000,000 pounds of coal. The toxic emissions from this burning are sent into your air and water every hour of every day, day after day, year after year. This plant is not a utility. It is a power generating factory that sends a bit of its power to the District of Columbia and the major part to a power grid that serves Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. None of this power is used in Alexandria. At peak periods this grid has power resources that provide 120% of its needs. The Mirant plant provides less than 1% of this grid?s needs. There is no redeeming reason to continue to operate this plant ? except to make money. And this profit costs us dearly in health costs and economic costs. Let?s close it.

Metro: Accessible via Yellow and Blue Lines and Metrobus - visit www.wmata.com for details

Driving directions: http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=301+King+Street,+Alexandria,+VA


For information, contact Ernie Lehmann at 703-567-2250 or ernie265@hotmail.com.

Added by MetroDC-SierraClub on May 25, 2005

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