1020A Woodruff Road
Greenville, South Carolina 29607

South Carolina author Alex Kudera will be signing copies of his debut novel, Fight for Your Long Day (Atticus Books, paperback, $14.95), at Fiction Addiction on Saturday, May 14th, from 1-3 pm.

Fight for Your Long Day is a day-in-the-life satire that follows the eventful unraveling and misadventures of Cyrus Duffleman--"Duffy"--a portly, down-and-out adjunct instructor who teaches at four urban universities, and then works the night shift as a campus security guard.
After a morning of student outbursts, political protests, and threats of bodily harm, Duffy witnesses a tide-turning event that would bring most people's day to a halt, only he's too preoccupied to notice. With his overstuffed book bag and perversely cynical thoughts, Duffy battles corruption, staple-wielding zealots, and chaos every step of the way. Until the novel's frenzied end, it's anyone's guess who will escape sane--no less alive.
Set in the post-modern age of pervasive terror, Alex Kudera's debut novel embodies the American-made irony of being overeducated, overworked, and underpaid. The story pace is brisk and would appeal to fans of John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces, and Richard Russo's Straight Man.

Alex Kudera has survived a decade of adjunct-teaching overloads, but in some circles he's better known for his mysterious injuries. Driven by status and a thirst for fame, he has bussed dishes in two countries and has loitered in bookstores around the world. A lifelong Philadelphian, Alex currently teaches literature and writing at Clemson University in South Carolina.

Those who cannot make the signing can reserve a personalized copy of Fight for Your Long Day by contacting Fiction Addiction in advance at 864-675-0540 or at info@fiction-addiction.com.

Official Website: http://www.fiction-addiction.com

Added by FictionAddiction on April 15, 2011