[NOTE: http://www.landuse.gov.ab.ca/consultation_print.html for dates and locations around the province between May 14th & 31st]
Public sessions across the province kick off May 14
Edmonton... Albertans are invited to give their input on the future of land use in Alberta through provincewide public sessions during the last two weeks of May.
The public sessions will seek Albertans' input on a vision, guiding principles, land-use issues of greatest concern, directions and outcomes. This will build on what the government has heard at stakeholder sessions.
In launching the public phase of the Land-use Framework, Sustainable Resource Development Minister Ted Morton encouraged Albertans to become involved. "This is your province and your opportunity to help shape how Alberta grows over the next 100 years," said Morton. "We need to find a way to better balance all the competing demands on the land."
The Land-use Framework will provide the context, overall direction and decision-making framework to govern and manage land use in the province. It will guide land-use decisions on all land, except federal such as national parks and Indian reserves. The framework is intended to meet Albertans' long-term social and economic goals based on good environmental management.
A resource publication, Understanding Land Use in Alberta and the Land-use Framework Workbook are available to all Albertans at a number of locations around the province, including all MLA constituency offices, most municipal and provincial/regional government offices, as well as online. Albertans can check the website at www.landuse.gov.ab.ca or call 310-4455 toll free to find the nearest pick-up location.
Albertans can participate by attending one of the public sessions or by completing a workbook questionnaire in person or online. Albertans' input will be used in the next stage of the framework development. The government's goal is to have a draft framework completed by the end of the year.
Completion of the Land-use Framework is a priority outlined in Minister Morton's mandate and is also one of the key actions identified under Premier Stelmach's plan to manage growth pressures. Other government priorities are to govern with integrity and transparency, improve Albertans' quality of life, build a stronger Alberta and provide safe and secure communities.
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Media enquiries may be directed to:
Annette Bidniak, Communications
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
(780) 427-8122
To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.
Official Website: http://www.landuse.gov.ab.ca/consultation_print.html
Added by codytorgerson on May 6, 2007