10800 - 97 Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6

Edmonton – The housing crisis has become an omnipresent issue for everyone in Alberta. A countless number of Albertans have become vulnerable to market forces within this economic boom due to a shortage of affordable and appropriate housing. The existing homeless and those increasing numbers of people on the verge of homelessness are especially at risk – if not already impacted. Members of Albertans Demand Affordable Housing (ADAH) are organizing a noon rally on the steps of the Alberta legislature on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 to amplify the concerns of those affected and to demonstrate support in regards to the current housing crisis.

Article 25 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including [amongst other necessities] housing…” Despite the prosperity trumpeted by the Alberta government and its backers, Alberta’s economic boom has actually worsened the standard of living for those living in poverty and with low to middle incomes. Consequently, the shortage of affordable and appropriate housing has become a pervasive issue in many people’s lives and is a daily topic in our media.

This rally offers a platform for those impacted by the housing crisis to join together, hear from a variety of people dealing with this issue, and give support through solidarity, donations, and sharing ideas about the future of housing in Alberta. ADAH has joined with community leaders and community groups representing the under-privileged in order to promote this event. This rally falls on the heels of previous events to further amplify Albertans’ concerns on this issue. Blankets, non-perishable food, and clothing will be accepted and donated to inner city charities.

It is virtually impossible to not feel the pressures of the economic boom in Alberta. Incomes are not keeping pace with inflation and poverty has deepened. Higher costs of living, decreased vacancy rates, and an increase in population, have led to an increase in working poor in Edmonton (Edmonton Social Planning Council, “Tracking the Trends – 2007 Edition”). This combination has ruptured Alberta’s socioeconomic landscape even further as an increasing amount of people cannot maintain a grip on Alberta’s Advantage due to unaffordable rents and can only dream about the privilege of homeownership. Those already stuck in poverty are then left without hope within the splendor of this exclusive oil boom.

For more info, phone 239-3331 or email adah@riseup.net

Official Website: http://housingaction.ca

Added by jen_mcv on June 25, 2007

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