1417 Orchardview
Copley, Ohio 44321

Akron Ohio to New York City Shopping Trip

August 16 & 17, 2008

Payment Options accepted.

Email:  tntnycbustrip@gmail.com

Text:  330-472-4950

(2) people per room will pay only $220.00

(3) people per room will pay only $185.00

(4) people per room will pay only $165.00

FEES cover bus ride from Akron to NYC, and room in New Jersey

Shopping at Jamaican Mall, China Town, Harlem, Manhattan and much more!



Official Website: http://www.cityblack.com/event/25423

Added by cityblack on June 11, 2008



Please let me know if you have other trips planned like in the fall or Thanksgiving weekend.

Interested 1