Ak-Sar-Ben's River City Roundup is a free event for the family!
See, touch and experience the thrills awaiting you!
Don't forget your ticket to see Rodney Atkins, Larry the Cable Guy and Jessica Simpson!
Things to see and do:
*NE State Championship BBQ COntest (Friday & Saturday)
*Heritage Parade (Saturday)
*Kiwanis Pancake Feed with the Pancake Man (Sat. 7am - 1pm)
*Omaha Mile Run with elite runners! (Saturday)
*81 year old 8-State 4-H Livestock Show (All week!)
*The Douglas County Fair (All week!)
*AgVenturland, Giddyup Gulch Western Town and other educational kids activities and entertaiment (All week!)
*Chess Tournament & Sugar Arts Show (Fri/Sat)
*Regional Mutton Bustin' Championship
The only events you are required to pay for are the:
*Rodeo - Wrangler ProRodeo Tour - Third Round of the Ariat Playoffs (tickets start at $17!)
Thursday: Rodeo followed by Rodney Atkins
Friday: Rodeo followed by Larry the Cable Guy
Saturday: Rodeo followed by Jessica Simpson
*Carnival - Get $3 discount at area Baker's stores.
Official Website: http://www.rivercityroundup.org
Added by RiverCityRoundup on July 23, 2008