6128 Winston Churchill Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario L0N 1A0

Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th May
Ajapa Dharana (Mantra and Meditation)
Ajapa Dharana practice awakens a deeper experience of existence, stimulating the dormant energetic and psychic potential that lies within. In this seminar learn the first 5 stages of Ajapa Dharana, utilizing concentration on different psychic passages.
Harnessing and directing this energy will gradually result in one-pointed concentration, preparing the practitioner for the final stages, which lead to the highest experience of life.
Swami Karma Karuna will accompany Swami Muktidharma and guide you through preparatory asana and pranayama practices to open the body, mind and prana for the powerful meditation of Ajapa Dharana. With the prana activated, Swami Muktidharma will then lead you into the depths of your "self”. Experience Swami Karma Karuna’s intuitive preparatory guidance and be inspired by Swami Muktidharma’s insightful understanding, as he reveals the history, benefits and practical application of Ajapa Dharana.

$365.00 early registration before May 01
$385.00 after May 01

Location and Bookings
VENUE: Swallow's Bridge Retreat
ADDRESS: 6128 Winston Churchill Blvd., RR 1 Alton, ON, L0N 1A0
PHONE: +1 519 994 0403
EMAIL: Jenn@AwarenessYoga.ca
WEB: www.swallowsbridge.com / www.awarenessyoga.ca

Added by Anahata Yoga Retreat on April 21, 2009