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Dates: 06/26-06/27, 07/28-07/29
MOSS 2007 Architecture and Design
Before you can understand SharePoint Server 2007, you need to understand how it fits into the overall SharePoint architecture.
•Microsoft SharePoint architecture overview
•Services architectural view
•Product architectural view
•Administration architecture
•MOSS 2007 Platform Architecture
•Install and Configure a Server Farm
In this module, you learn how to deploy Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 on a small server farm. You also see how this type of Office SharePoint Server 2007 deployment is useful for small and medium organizations that want to minimize administrative overhead, but need the scalability of a two-tier topology and the flexibility of future scalability options.
•SQL Server Requirements and Architecture
•Pre-requisites for installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
•Changes made to your server when Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is installed
•How to install and Configure Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
Official Website:
Added by Smitha Vasudevan on June 16, 2008