5072 W. Linebaugh Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33624

AirHeads in Carrollwood is now offering fitness classes to get you off the couch, get you out of the house, and get you to get off your rump and jump! Lead by certified instructors, participants can burn up to 1,000 calories an hour in the AiRobics classes. For regular fitness buffs, they are a break from their normal exercise routines.

The 50-minute classes are offered every Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., for ages 18 and up.

Jumping on a trampoline takes stress off joints while improving cardiovascular health and building strength. It also increases flexibility and improves posture.

The high intensity, low impact trampoline workout sessions are $14 per class, or $59 for a monthly fitness class membership. For more information, or to sign up, log on to www.airheadsusa.com/Fitness or call 813-247-4323.

Added by HarmonTampaPR on October 1, 2010