AIR GUITAR NATION, winner of 2 Audience Awards (SXSW, Traverse City) and 3 Best Documentary Awards (Boulder, Whistler, Adelaide-Australia) makes its national debut this Friday at the Angelika Theater in NYC, spreading nationwide in the weeks to come. See The Official Web Site for details.
Click Here for Advance Tix
Director and Stars Will do Q&A following 3/24 8:15 screening
“The movie's wild performances and droll humor are tough to resist.” -- The New York Times
“****” -- TimeOut NY
“Has the power to make you smile from eardrum to shattered eardrum.” --NY Newsday
“It seriously rocks.” -- Salon
“Raucously entertaining...” --Paper
“Slick, hilarious, and at times even suspenseful...nary a dull lick in the entire 80 minutes.” -- Village Voice
"Hilarious. Equal measures of patriotism, showmanship and irony." -- Variety
"A feel-good underdog story..." --New York Magazine
"One of the most fun films you'll ever see. It's like Rocky with air guitars." -- Ain't it Cool News
"As one might expect, Air Guitar Nation is often hilarious...Perhaps even more remarkable is how readily the viewer is sucked into this surreal world." --High Times
"Air Guitar Nation is textured, well-crafted - and hilarious." --St. Louis Riverfront Times
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have out first Oscar contender of the year." --
Official Website:
Added by bjorn_turoque on March 24, 2007