52 Walker
New York City, New York 10013

This Wednesday, there will be an air guitar competition in Manhattan followed by a holiday Aireoke free-for-all. While it's not a national qualifier, you can win prizes. It's also good training for the Summer air season. Plus, check out the jury panel (below).

Here's the info. So far there are no female contestants. What's up with that?

Judged by
**The Rockness Monster: 2005 U.S. Air Guitar Champion**
**Kathleen Hanna from LeTigre**
**Jerry Saltz, art critic**
MC?ed by
Björn Türoque: New York Air Guitar Champion
Prizes include an original artwork from Artists Space?s limited editions and Dr. Martens boots.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Doors Open 8pm
M1-5 Bar
52 Walker Street, between Church Street and Broadway
Tribeca, New York
$5 in advance, $10 at the door
Advance tickets on sale at Artists Space, 38 Greene Street, or at http://www.artistsspace.org via PayPal.

Contestant space is extremely limited, so polish your air guitars and enter today!
To enter & compete, please mail or drop off at Artists Space:
§ Your name & stage name
§ A brief bio
§ A $10 entry fee in the form of a check made out to Artists Space
§ The name of the song to which you will perform. (Each contestant has one uninterrupted minute. Chosen contestants will be expected to deliver a cd with the recorded track to Artists Space prior to the event.)*
§ Your cell phone number

* Please note: Five finalists will also be required to perform to a one-minute track selected by Artists Space
Please contact Stefania Heim with questions: 212.226.3970 ext. 306, or sheim@artistsspace.org
Endorsed by Air Guitar USA, the official US Air Guitar Championships

more details @ here
air guitar usa

Added by bjorn_turoque on December 19, 2005