SEEing Green 2: Moving Beyond Green
In our second SEEing Green program, we continue discussing Sustainable, Environmental and Ecological concerns for marketing and design. While its important to execute on the material aspects of producing environmentally-friendly design, brands need to go further than just being green. This day-long event will help you capture the advantage from a different perspective: moving beyond green.
At this years SEEing Green youll learn both how to approach sustainability and be empowered to rethink design thinking. We will explore the strategic effect you want to create on behalf of your clients and their brands, best practices for responsibly producing design that doesnt compromise its visual aesthetic nor cost substantially more and other conceptual and inspired problem solving techniques.
Tickets will be $15 extra at the door, pending availability.Register by April 6th to receive a delicious gift bag.
Organized by AIGA/LAAIGA, the professional association for design, is committed to
furthering excellence in design as a broadly-defined discipline,
strategic tool for business and cultural force. AIGA is the place
design professionals turn to first to exchange ideas and information,
participate in critical analysis and research and advance education and
ethical practice.
AIGA was founded in 1914 and now represents more than 16,000 designers through nationalactivities and local programs developed by 47 chapters and more than 150 student groups. AIGA supports the interests of professionals, educators and students who are engaged in theprocess of designing, regardless of where they are in the arc of their careers. The disciplines represented in the profession include brand strategy, illustration, information architecture,book design, type design, design criticism and design for new media, film and television.
AIGA serves as a hub of thought-leadership and activity for the designing community. Theassociation is committed to stimulating thinking about design through the exchange of ideas and information, the encouragement of critical analysis and research, and the advancementof education and ethical practice.
Through conferences, competitions, exhibitions, publications and websites, AIGA inspires,educates and informs designers, helping them to realize their talents and to advocate the value of design among the media, the business community, governments and the public. AIGA is a national not-for-profit educational organization incorporated under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in the State of New York.
Ticket Info: - AIGA Members, $45.00
- AIGA Student Members, $25.00
- Non-AIGA Students, $35.00
- Non-Members, $60.00
Official Website: