Come one, come all. Please join us on Tuesday, January 9th for the AIGA Cleveland Second Tuesday Happy Hour.
On the second Tuesday of every month, us creatives can get together for some friendly conversation and a little time away from your Mac. It's as simple as that; no big event, no speaker, and sorry, no catering. But it's free and it's a chance to talk shop with seasoned pros, aspiring designers, or whoever else happens to stop by. This event is not exclusive to AIGA members so please feel free to invite anyone you please.
This month we'll get together at Prosperity Social Club in Tremont (1109 Starkweather, right across from the park)
All work and no play makes you a dull designer. Hope to see you there!
About AIGA: AIGA, the professional association for design, is committed to furthering excellence in design as a broadly-defined discipline, strategic tool for business and cultural force. AIGA is the place design professionals turn to first to exchange ideas and information, participate in critical analysis and research and advance education and ethical practice.
Official Website:
Added by dsidaway on January 8, 2007