PDXpo 2008 Brings Portland's Design Community Together.
Annual AIGA Portland Event Showcases Creative Industry.
Alicia Johnson and Hal Wolverton are Executive Creative Directors at Euro RSCG in New York. Yes, we know what you're thinking. PDXpo is about the Portland design community. And no, Johnson + Wolverton, the seminal studio founded by our presenters, no longer keeps a Portland address. But there is no question that the studio's footprint has sustained, the work endures, and the community of designers with whom the couple has worked flourishes. Right here in Portland.
Creatives are invited to join AIGA Portland Thursday, March 27 at Portland Center for the Performing Arts (Winningstad Theater) as Alicia and Hal reflect on Portland, and present the creative work their firm created for Amnesty International, the Sundance Channel and Miller Genuine Draft, among others. Experience the work of their notable collaborators; the designers, artists, agencies, directors, animators, photographers, writers and musicians who call Portland home. Plus, you'll get a peek at how their next chapter in New York, shaping Jaguar and the world's most memorable luxury brands, is playing out for two of our city's most formative design icons. Keynote begins at 8:10 p.m., Winningstad Theater, PCPA.
About the Expo
PDXpo means many things to many people. In its third year under the banner of PDXpo, AIGA Portland is excited to provide this showcase to the creative community. The Expo is an opportunity to stay connected with Portland's most notable graphic arts vendors and service providers and get real-world answers to design questions; from education, to ink and interface. Join AIGA's Portland chapter for hors d'oeuvres and a beverage (or two) during the Expo and mingle with the local design community. The Portland Design Expo starts at 5:30 p.m. at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts (PCPA),
Thursday, March 27, 2008
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Portland Center for Performing Arts: The Winningstad Theater
1111 SW Broadway, Portland OR 97205
Official Website: http://www.portland.aiga.org/events/2008/03/18289289
Added by Meldel on March 16, 2008