1727 Haight Street
San Francisco Bay Area, California 94117

Dir. Werner Herzog Germany 1972

Never one to shy away from claustrophobia and insanity, Herzog delves into man's heart of darkness and surfaces with Aguirre. With a white man's sense of privelege, Aguirre is bent on finding and looting El Dorado, the lost city of gold. He enslaves the natives and boats down the Amazon with his daughter hoping to marry her and establish his own kingdom in the new world. The consequences of Aguirre's greed wait just around the river's bend. Klaus Kinski as Aguirre is a performance you will never forget. His then teenage, real-life daughter, Natasha Kinski, stars as the beautiful daughter in the film. (94m)


Sun: 2:00, 4:00, 7:15, 9:15
Mon & Tues: 7:15, 9:15

Official Website: http://redvicmoviehouse.com/show.php?pageid=413

Added by jessehattabaugh on January 8, 2007